Real Property Management Central Arkansas

Avoid These Preventative Maintenance Tasks with a Property Manager, Part 3

One of the biggest drawbacks to managing your own rental property in central Arkansas is having to deal with preventative maintenance on a regular basis. In this blog series, we’ve talked about many different tasks that fall to the property owner in order to maintain the property from the sprinkler system to replacing smoke detector batteries. These tasks can be time consuming, easy to forget, and often tedious, but they’re essential in order to reduce long term expenses on your property. Instead of managing the tasks yourself, let a property management company, like Real Property Management Central Arkansas, take care of them for you. With regards to many of the services we’ve talked about, we will notify you when it’s time to have them taken care of each year, and with your approval, we will schedule all the contractors. With some of the other services, you can just let us know you’d like them done and we will manage entering the premise, billing, and other aspects of the process to make things easier for you. Don’t forget to include these tasks on your list of items to have your property manager take care of for you.

Yearly HVAC Maintenance

The HVAC system in your rental property can be very expensive if something happens where you need to replace it, however yearly maintenance can help to reduce the chance that this happens and extend the life of the furnace. Scheduling a HVAC contractor to come out to the property for an inspection and cleaning in the fall is ideal. You want to make sure that everything is in working order when the heating system is first turned on. During a regular maintenance visit the HVAC contractor can clean the furnace, make sure it’s running properly, check for gas leaks, and replace the furnace filter so you don’t have to worry about an expensive, emergency call later on. Additionally, while you have the HVAC contractor at the property, you might want to consider having the HVAC ducts cleaned. If it has been several years since a thorough duct cleaning has been done, it’s probably time in order to help keep the home a safe and healthy environment for your tenants.

Clean the Chimney

The fall is also the perfect time of year to have the chimney cleaned if your rental property has a wood-burning fireplace. While not always necessary every year, regular chimney cleanings can mitigate the fire hazard that can be a problem in some homes. If your tenants love using the fireplace, debris and carbon matter can build up and be a potential fire risk, putting the tenants in danger, as well as your property.

While there are many tasks you can handle yourself, why worry when you can let a property management company take care of these things for you at an affordable price. If you own a rental property, call Real Property Management Central Arkansas today to learn about the many benefits of working with us!